Our NMR is NOT just another NMR

There are tons of NMR equipments all around the world, including MRI of medical use and commercially available NMR systems mainly used for crystal structures of materials.
Our NMR is NOT just another NMR system.
We have built the NMR systems from scratch.
Also, we have been developing their perfomance.
One of the most outstanding features is “Ultra-high sensitivity”.
As they say, “Seeing is believing.”

Here is the figure you can see the difference.


The upper panel shows the spin-echo signal obtained by employing our home-built NMR probe.
In contrast, if you use a commercially available probe with the other measurement conditions unchanged, the signal that was clearly seen with our probe is not detectable any more.
Once again, No changes in all the other devices and the measurement conditions.

It is not only the probe that makes our NMR system ultra-high sensitive.
The signal-to-noise ratio of our system (including the home-built probe) is roughly 102-103 times greater than that of commercially available NMR.

Why so different?
Why makes the ultra-high sensitivity of our NMR system?

There is a long story in it.
For more details, you might want to collaborate with us.


Copyright © Sasaki Lab 2016