Say Hello to NMR ! Our techniques

Our Lab:

Our experimental method is NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) with high resolution measurement at extremely low temperature and high magnetic fields, and also NQR (nuclear quadruple resonance) is one of our main techniques. We have realised this favorable environment for our research by controlling facilities of great-precision at once. In our laboratories we have four measurement systems. To achieve splendid results in this field, four experiments can be performed concurrently.



Do you know NMR measurement technique? NMR is simple, but it requires good understand for it and highly-developed and skilfully manipulation of facilities and computer. Here, we show easy illustration of NMR measurement!

Spin Echo:

First, the only thing that we want you to see is this animation below. This is the pulse NMR!


Animation from Wikipedia
Spins (red arrows) response to the green pulse sequence in blue Bloch sphere.

In pulse nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, an intense rf (radio frequency) pulse in the laboratory frame is applied to a sample. If spins in the sample resonate to the rf pulse, the spins will be knocked down. By setting a time period of the pulse accurately, we manipulate the rotation of spins. Rotation of 90 degree is called 90 degree pulse and rotation of 180 degree is called PI pulse. The following picture is the real pulses that we are producing everyday. Purple frame one is TTL(Transistor Transistor Logic)-level pulse. Red one is rf pulse.


TTL Pulse


rf Pulse

After the PI pulse, the spin isochromats begin to rephase to form a net magnetization as the rapid isochromats catch up with the slow ones. The result is that the magnetization becames refocussed. It causes a spin echo.


Spin Echo !

Analyzing the echos, we've got a lot of sciencitific facts that is storongly meaningful. For example we show you following the picture. It says, it is possible to make minute frequency spectrum of the sample with our system.


Now you've just got slight recognition of the NMR and our laboratry. If you have any questions, interests or anything you thoughts, we always open a door for you !